Hello Everyone,
Welcome to We Are Single Moms! As stated in our introduction, single moms does not only apply to moms but anyone that has stepped into that role. This blog clearly illustrates that their is really nothing new under that sun when it comes to the topic of single parenting. Many have met the challenge and risen to the occasion as single parents. The only difference now is that the resources are somewhat scattered as a result of the world wide web.
Here, our goal is to make you aware of what resources, studies and tips will forge you to a successful place as a single mom. It has been said that, "no one rises to low expectations". Let's set the bar high for ourselves and our children will definitely follow. I heard someone say that your children will "hear a voice in their head", let it be "Your" voice.
We Are Single Moms will take many forms for many people. As for me, We Are Single Moms is an affirmation of who I am and what I can do. The possibilities here are limitless! A friend of mine was brainstorming with me years ago and suggested that I do "something that you know". What do I know more that being a single mom at this point. It is a beautiful calling! Although I am now up for the task, at one time - the last thing I wanted to be was a single mom. I grow up in a single parent household and always thought things could be better with the other parent around. Hindsight has taught me that many of my accomplishments were only achieved because of the many lessons that I learned under the direction of a single mom.
It is with great pleasure that we group and present resources that will help you and your family grow. Our company, S.O.W. Network (Signature On the World) specializes in investing in people like you; people that make a world of difference! Now is the time. Now is your time. Your time to place your signature on the world with erasable ink as we venture together since We Are Single Moms.
God Bless,
Tiffany Willis-Gilmore
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